Adding the Tracking Code (manual method)

To create a tracking code manually, please follow the steps below:

  1. Copy the following code snippet:
<!-- Prepr Tracking Code -->
<script >
    ! function (e, t, p, r, n, a, s) {
        e[r] || ((n = e[r] = function () {
            n.process ? n.process.apply(n, arguments) : n.queue.push(arguments)
        }).queue = [], n.t = +new Date, (a = t.createElement(p)).async = 1, a.src = "" + 864e5 * Math.ceil(new Date / 864e5), (s = t.getElementsByTagName(p)[0]).parentNode.insertBefore(a, s))
    }(window, document, "script", "prepr"), prepr("init", "PREPR_TRACKING_ID"), prepr("event", "pageload");
  1. Replace PREPR_TRACKING_ID with your actual access token taken from Settings > Access tokens.

  2. Add the code to the <head> section of your website.

Once you've added the tracking code, proceed with recording events.

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