Privacy & Security

Privacy & Security


To comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) laws passed by the European Union that go into effect beginning May 25, 2018. A sub-processor is a third-party company Prepr uses to process customer-related data. We’ve included the name of these companies, how we use them to process data, and links to their resources on customer privacy and security.

Right to access

The GDPR gives individuals the right to request a copy of any of their personal data that are being processed, as well as other relevant information. Prepr offers you the possibility to export a customer. Go to 'Customer' and select the right customer. Click 'GDPR export' in order to download a Json with the full customer. This includes:

  • Personal details
  • Full address
  • Email address
  • Subscriptions
  • Interactions (such as like, view, bookmarked)
  • Terms and tags

Right to erasure

This right is also known as the ‘right to be forgotten’. Individuals have the right to have their data erased. This can be easily done in the Prepr interface. Just search this customer under 'Customer' and click 'Delete'. All this customer data will be erased, immediately at the moment, you click on the confirmation button.

Prepr sub-processors

Sub-processors necessarily used in the Prepr Platform or in support thereof (partly depending on your location and use of Prepr).

CompanyProcessed dataResource
Amazon Web ServicesCloud (opens in a new tab)
AtlassianApplication error (opens in a new tab)
BunnyCDNCloud (opens in a new tab)
DigitalOceanCloud (opens in a new tab)
CloudflareCloud infrastructure (DNS, Caching) (opens in a new tab)
Google G4ACustomer behaviour (opens in a new tab)
FastlyCloud infrastructure (CDN) (opens in a new tab)
HubSpotCloud infrastructure (CDN) (opens in a new tab)
MixpanelBack-end user behaviour (opens in a new tab)
MuxCloud infrastructure (Video, Audio) (opens in a new tab)
New RelicCloud infrastructure (request logging) (opens in a new tab)
OpenAIContent item (opens in a new tab)
PusherReal-time (opens in a new tab)
StripePayment (opens in a new tab)
SentryApplication error (opens in a new tab)
HelpscoutCustomer (opens in a new tab)
TrueCloud (opens in a new tab)
TextRazorContent items (opens in a new tab)
HotjarBack-end user behaviour (opens in a new tab)

Customer Data Retention Policy

Privacy regulations provide guidelines on how to deal with personal data. It's good practice to delete this data when a customer hasn't interacted with your systems for some time.

Need any assistance? Contact Prepr support.

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