Query a collection

Artists & Tracks

Query a collection

If you want to fetch a collection of artists or tracks you can use the collection endpoints.


GET https://mutation.prepr.io/v5/artists
GET https://mutation.prepr.io/v5/tracks


// Artists
    "items": [
            "id": "feac7case8-9005-41ds19-85cf-asd189e71ase40601",
            "created_on": "2023-05-29T04:27:27+00:00",
            "changed_on": null,
            "published_on": "2023-05-29T04:27:27+00:00",
            "unpublish_on": null,
            "published_on_int": 1685334447,
            "label": "Artist",
            "status": "draft",
            "body": "Seals & Crofts",
            "reference_unique": "seals-crofts"
    "total": 1,
    "after": "YWZ0ZXJfMjU=",
    "before": "YmVmb3JlXzA=",
    "skip": 0,
    "limit": 25
// Tracks
    "items": [
            "id": "52869266-aeaf-469f-973c-9c54254b009f",
            "created_on": "2023-05-31T04:26:42+00:00",
            "changed_on": "2023-05-31T04:26:47+00:00",
            "published_on": "2023-05-31T04:26:46+00:00",
            "unpublish_on": null,
            "published_on_int": 1685507206,
            "label": "Track",
            "status": "published",
            "artist_text": "Froukje",
            "body": "Naar het licht",
            "reference_unique": "Ker20250531a"
    "total": 1,
    "after": "YWZ0ZXJfMjU=",
    "before": "YmVmb3JlXzA=",
    "skip": 0,
    "limit": 25


The following arguments are available when querying a collection:

fieldsStringExpanding of extra fields.
statusStringOne of published, pending, approval, draft, unpublished
qStringFull Text Search

Expanding fields

For artists: custom, tracks, musicbrainzartists, cover, tags.
For tracks: custom, artists, musicbrainztracks, spotifytracks, cover, tags.

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