

A Collection represents a set of media files grouped by specific attributes and includes all types of assets. It can be a collection of images, videos, documents or audio files.

The Collection object

    "id": "df7c1544-bad0-4c9d-928f-0c9f684c9ceb",
    "created_on": "2023-06-13T14:35:54+00:00",
    "changed_on": "2023-06-13T14:35:54+00:00",
    "label": "Collection",
    "body": "Branding & backgrounds"
idUnique identifier for each item.
created_onUTC time at which the asset was created/upload.
changed_onUTC time at which the asset was last updated.
labelIdentifier for the object.
bodyName of the collection.

Create, update or destroy

Create a new collection

To create a collection.

POST: /collections

Update an existing collection

To update a collection.

PUT: /collections/{id}

Destroy an existing collection

To destroy a collection.

DELETE: /collections/{id}

Managing collections

Add assets to a collection

To add assets to an existing collection.

  "items" : [
          "id" : "234h-432847-x23498-763x4-324x234" // The Asset ID.
POST: /collections/{id}/assets

Remove assets from a collection

To remove assets from the collection.

  "items" : [
          "id" : "234h-432847-x23498-763x4-324x234" // The Asset ID.
DELETE: /collections/{id}/assets

Set a collection cover

To set a cover of the collection.

POST: /collections/{id}/cover?id={assetId}


collections, collections_publish, collections_delete

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