Step-by-step guide

Step-by-step data collection guide

This guide takes you through the high level steps to implement data collection for Prepr CMS.

If you haven't done so, check out the Data collection fundamentals guide to get a good understanding of key data collection concepts.

Collecting customer data in Prepr

You can gather valuable insights from your customers by setting up efficient data collection in Prepr CMS. Follow the steps below to get these insights and use them to optimize your web app.

Set up the tracking code

Get started with your data collection process by setting up tracking in your web app using Prepr. Follow the detailed process to install the tracking code, add meta tags and test the setup in the setup guide.

If you're working in a restricted environment and aren't allowed to load third-party Javascript snippets, you can track data using the API instead of using the Prepr tracking code.

Record events

Once your tracking code is set up and tested, you can then record events in Prepr to better understand customer behavior. These events can then be used to segment customers according to your optimization needs.

Store customer properties

Other than customer behavior, you can also keep track of customer-specific attributes and preferences by storing customer properties in Prepr. Just like you can with events, you can also segment your customers by characteristics that are stored on each profile.

Manage customer data

Once your web app is set up to record events and customer properties in Prepr, you can continue to manage customer data directly in Prepr.

We trust that we've guided you to set up data collection in Prepr CMS. Are you missing some resources or specific info, please let us know (opens in a new tab).

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