

In this guide, you’ll learn how to activate the Frontify integration in Prepr CMS. This integration allows content editors to access Frontify brand assets to make sure that the content is brand-compliant.

The Frontify integration is available as a paid option on top of your regular subscription. Please contact our Sales team (opens in a new tab) for more details.


Frontify is a brand management platform. If your tech stack includes Frontify as the primary system for your branded assets, you can use the Frontify-stored branded assets directly in Prepr content. This means it's possible for content editors to use those assets in their content items.

Step 1: Connect Prepr to Frontify

You can activate the Frontify integration in Prepr in the following steps:

  1. Log in to Frontify and go to the Account settings.
  2. Under the Domain configuration section, copy Your Frontify Domain value to activate Frontify in Prepr.
  3. Log in to your Prepr account and go to Settings → Integrations and choose Frontify. Click the Activate button.

If you do not have access to the Frontify integration yet, click Request activation. Our Sales team will get in touch with you shortly to activate your request.

  1. In the Frontify app screen, paste the copied Domain value and click the Save button.

That's it. You’ve connected Prepr to Frontify making the assets available to content items in Prepr.

Once you've connected Prepr to Frontify, the Prepr Media Library will no longer be available to any user. This is to ensure a consistent single source of assets for content delivery.

Step 2: Embed Frontify assets in content items.

Content editors can now include assets from Frontify in their content items like in the example below.

content item image

When a content editor tries to embed an asset from Frontify for the first time, they will need to enter their Frontify account login credentials.

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