Prepr’s Product Roadmap

We’re constantly improving our products, integrations, and services. Learn about features we're working on and upcoming improvements.

Q2 2024

Streamline content item workflow

In our effort to continuously improve the content editor experience, we will continue to streamline the content item workflow for publishing and archiving content items according to our user research.

New component display option

Choose how content editors see component fields in the content item. Component fields in a content item are visible as a group with a title. This is not always meaningful for content editors and can cause confusion. With the new display option, you can have the component fields displayed seamlessly like any other content item field.

Copy content items between environments

Copy your content items from one environment to another in your Prepr organization. This way, you can get published content into your development and test environments at the click of a button to test realistic use cases.

Segment builder improvements

In addition to UI changes to improve the overall user experience when managing segments, you get more flexibility with the segment conditions. Additional filters will also be available:

  • A time limit option to track recent events, for example, a view of a content item within the last 7 days.
  • X number of times, for example, when a contnet item is viewed more than 5 times.
  • With a reference to, for example, viewed Article items with a reference to author X

Q3 2024

Copy content items between environments

Copy your content items from one environment to another in your Prepr organization. This way, you can get published content into your development and test environments at the click of a button to test realistic use cases.

Measure and evaluate metrics for A/B testing and personalization

Analyze your A/B test or personalization efforts easily within Prepr with basic metrics such as impressions, number of clicks and CTR. Alongside your chosen analytics tool, this feature provides a quick view on some essential metrics without needing complex setup from the get-go.

Use AI Optimize for Dynamic content field

Expand your use of AI features beyond simple text fields to the Dynamic content field.

Content structured delivery for styling

Currently, Dynamic content and HTML Text fields in content items are returned with HTML tags in a GraphQL API response. This update will return the HTML tags as structured content instead. Getting structured content instead of the HTML tags in the API response makes it easier for front-end developers to parse this content and render the styling in any way they choose.

Q4 2024

Live preview in content items

View the front end in Prepr and see the effect of changing content items in real time.

Previously released

The list below are some major releases from the previous roadmap. For a full list of all updates, check out the changelog.

Manage and localize asset fields

Additional fields will be added to assets to give you more flexibility when managing assets for content items. The new feature will include localization on these fields.

Released May 14th, 2024. See the changelog for details.

Use AI to generate and improve content

New AI features will be added to help content editors speed up their content creation. Developers can set up the generation prompts and improvement options and content editors will be able to generate and improve text using AI based on this setup. For example, to generate the summary text based on the body of an article or to improve text by making it shorter.

Released April 30th, 2024. See the changelog for details.

Schema extended with enumerations

Extend your Schema with Enumerations. An enumeration is a fixed list of values like days of the week. The developer creates an enumeration and references it in models and components. The idea is that you only need to define an enumeration once and use them across multiple models and/or components for a cleaner schema setup.

Released March 26th, 2024. See the changelog for details.

Renewed content editor

The renewed editor includes behavior that you are familiar with in other rich text editors such as shortcut commands to copy, paste, undo, etc. and makes it easy to move or navigate between different elements in the editor. The renewed editor makes it much easier for editors to manage content with rich text exclusively in Prepr, for example, if you manage many articles for a blog site.

Released January 25th, 2024. See the changelog for details.

Drafts for published content items

Make changes to published content items without affecting the published version. Explicitly publish or schedule the content item when the changes are ready. This gives an editor complete control over changing and republishing previously published content items.

Released September 29th, 2023. See the changelog for details.

“People also viewed” recommendations

Extend your content recommendations with suggestions generated based on user behavior data. The “People also viewed” recommendations algorithm shows items that were frequently viewed by visitors who also viewed the current item in your web application.

Released June 30th, 2023. See the changelog for details.

Schema sync

Synchronize your live content schema, including models, components, and remote sources, to any other environment within your Prepr organization. This way, you can create the development environment at the click of a button for testing more realistic test cases.

Released March 10th, 2023. See the changelog for details.

Advanced page builder

Create feature-rich web pages made up of different elements in a quick and easy way with the advanced page builder. Using a simple editor, group several page elements, for example, a banner, products, and call-to-action, into one template you can use consistently across all your web pages.

Released February 13th, 2023. See the changelog for details.

Remote content integration

The Remote content integration makes it easy for editors to reference product catalogs from e-commerce platforms like Commerce Layer and Commercetools or embed web forms and surveys from Typeform in your web application. Furthermore, you can use content from almost anywhere by building a custom integration using the API.

Released January 4th, 2023. See the changelog for details.

The list of features above is part of our current product plan and some future items on our roadmap. In line with the flexible nature of our development and the Prepr culture of keeping up with the latest technology and trends, the estimated timelines and details mentioned here might change. Check out our Changelog to stay updated.



Please note that these items are for informational purposes only and are not a binding commitment. The development, release and timing are subject ot change. So, don't rely on this information when making purchasing decisions, but do call us for questions you might have on any of these features.

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