Signing-up customers (deprecated)

Customers represent anonymous and registered people that are engaging with your content. They usually represent website visitors or shop buyers.

The Customer API provides methods to get, create, update and delete.

Creating a new customer

You can create a new Customer in your Prepr environment.



first_nameStringfalseDefines the first name of the customer.
last_nameStringfalseDefines the last name of the customer.
genderStringfalseDefines the gender of the customer. Options: male, female, other.
date_of_birthStringfalseDefines the date of birth of the customer. Format: Y-m-d.
sourceStringfalseMostly used to define imports etc.
emailsObjectfalseDefines email addresses of the customer.
custom ObjectfalseDefines the custom properties of the customer.
reference_id StringfalseDefines the reference_id of the customer.
tags ObjectfalseDefines tags of the customer.
password ObjectfalseDefines the password of the customer.
terms ObjectfalseDefines the accepted terms of the customer.
sign_in BooleanfalseWill add a sign in token to the response after creating the new customer.
	"first_name": "Jhon",
	"last_name": "Doe",
	"date_of_birth": "2000-12-01",
	"company": "",
	"job_title": "Developer",
	"gender": "male",
    "source" : "ios app",
    "custom" : {
        "paid" : true
	"emails": {
		"items": [
				"email": ""
    "tags": {
        "items": [
                "body": "Amsterdam"
    "terms": {
        "items": [
                "id": "789asd-sad7asd8-asd8as7d8-2331"
    "password": {
        "password" : "E9Q8z6WK2k9PveT9bpBS4OjYkYSm55YE5AEmU6vmHU3U5l8q2KjI40kXbo8"

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