API basics

API basics

This article takes you through the basics of the Prepr GraphQL API.


The GraphQL endpoint (API URL) looks like the URL below:


When you add an environment, Prepr provides two API endpoints by default, GraphQL Production and GraphQL Preview. The API URL value for each of these is the same for any operation you perform. Check out the Authorization doc for more details.

The HTTP method

In general, the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is how your application and the server communicate. To call the GraphQL API, you will need to use the HTTP POST method with the application/json content type to process larger queries and to send the variables and an operation name along with the query.

Using GET instead of POST

Keep the following points in mind when deciding on the HTTP method:

  • Consider using the GET method only if POST doesn't work in your environment.
  • While our GraphQL server supports GET for queries, it’s best to keep in mind that lengthy query strings can exceed URL length limits imposed by browsers and CDNs.
  • GET can help with HTTP caching, but be cautious with complex operations.


You can include some HTTP headers in the request, in other words, the key-value pairs to specify the request body format or additional information about the API request. The GraphQL API supports the following list of HTTP headers:

Prepr-Customer-IdCustomer ID or Reference ID of a web app visitor. You can use the __prepr_uid cookie to set this value.The API uses this Id to determine which adaptive content or A/B test variant to return in the response.
Prepr-Visitor-IPIP address of the web app visitor.The API uses this value to determine the current IP-based Geolocation of the web app visitor. It's a more accurate value when the request is made server-side.
Prepr-Context-utm_sourceThe UTM source of the web app visitor.Prepr uses this value to set the UTM source tag for the matching customer profile. If no customer profile exists yet, the API uses this value to determine which adaptive content to return in the response for a matching UTM tag segment.
Prepr-Context-utm_mediumThe UTM medium of the web app visitor.Prepr uses this value to set the UTM medium tag for the matching customer profile. If no customer profile exists yet, the API uses this value to determine which adaptive content to return in the response for a matching UTM tag segment.
Prepr-Context-utm_termThe UTM term of the web app visitor.Prepr uses this value to set the UTM term tag for the matching customer profile. If no customer profile exists yet, the API uses this value to determine which adaptive content to return in the response for a matching UTM tag segment.
Prepr-Context-utm_contentThe UTM content of the web app visitor.Prepr uses this value to set the UTM content tag for the matching customer profile. If no customer profile exists yet, the API uses this value to determine which adaptive content to return in the response for a matching UTM tag segment.
Prepr-Context-utm_campaignThe UTM campaign of the web app visitor.Prepr uses this value to set the UTM campaign tag for the matching customer profile. If no customer profile exists yet, the API uses this value to determine which adaptive content to return in the response for a matching UTM tag segment.
Prepr-Hubspot-IdHubSpot Id (cookie value) of a website visitor when you've set up the HubSpot pixel in your front end.The API uses this Id to determine which adaptive content to return in the response for a matching HubSpot segment.
Prepr-SegmentsUsed for Visual Editing. The _id of a specific segment. You can use the prepr_preview_segment query parameter in the URL to set this value.The API uses this value to determine which adaptive content to return in the response.
Prepr-ABTestingUsed for Visual Editing. A value of A or B. You can use the prepr_preview_ab query parameter in the URL to set this value.The API uses this value to determine which A/B test variant to return in the response.


Include a query string with the following properties in the body of the request you send to the API:

  • query — the full GraphQL query containing the operation type (currently, only the query type is supported), the types & fields requested, and any variables included.
  • operationName — optional, but if included, must be present in the query.
  • variables — optional if there are no variables included in the query.

See an example request below with the following variables:

  "postId": "c85aa36b-8796-4f0d-955e-b317f7f905a2",
  "locale": "en-US"
query PostQuery($postId: String, $locale: String!){
	Post (id: $postId, locale: $locale, ) { 

The GraphQL API will validate and execute this query string and return a response in JSON format.

When a query contains a mistake, the API returns an error message in the response. Read more about possible statuses and errors.

Last updated on

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