Fetching the weather forecast

Fetching the weather forecast

Weather Service Providers add default up-to-date weather texts for the Prepr Radio News & Timelines.

Query by ID

Since IDs are unique in Prepr, you can find the Weather Service Provider you want using the id argument. Here is an example that demonstrates how to query a Weather Service Provider with the ID "535c1e-...":

GET https://mutation.prepr.io/v5/weatherserviceproviders/{id}
    "id": "3727c6b1-6a0c-4fec-b4ad-21243810021d",
    "created_on": "2017-03-07T22:03:48+0000",
    "changed_on": "2017-03-07T22:51:29+0000",
    "label": "WeatherServiceProvider",
    "name": "Buienradar",
    "body": "Vanochtend is het bewolkt en af en toe valt (mot)regen. Vanmiddag breekt vanuit het westen de zon door. Het wordt 6-10 graden. Morgen, zaterdag en zondag is het prachtig winterweer met veel zon en maxima van 6-8 graden."

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