Fetching personalized content

Fetching personalized content

Prepr lets you generate fully customized experiences to boost engagement and conversion rates in a web app. Check out the Personalization guide for more details.

A native personalization engine is built into the Stack field. Once added to a model, the Stack field may include multiple content items and components and allows editors to personalize these elements with Adaptive content.

With Adaptive content, content editors can make different versions of content for various visitor segments. You can then show the right content to each visitor based on their segment giving them a personalized experience.


Adaptive content in Prepr is grouped by customer segments and country segments.

  • When customers are maintained in Prepr, these visitors are grouped into customer segments and get adaptive content based on their behavior on the web app. Adaptive content can be fetched by customer in this case.
  • When segments are decided by the front-end, for example, by using an external CRM/CDP system or UTM tag (such as from an ad campaign), then a customer segment needs to be created in Prepr to reference the external customer segment. This customer segment can then be used to determine the adaptive content for these visitors. Adaptive content can be fetched by variant or fetched by customer segment in this case.
  • The country segment is used to show adaptive content to visitors from a specific country. By default, Prepr uses the IP address from the request to define the visitor's geolocation. For web apps using server-side rendering (SSR), you can pass a visitor’s IP using the HTTP Header Prepr-Visitor-IP. This will override the request IP.

A combination of these segments for adaptive content in a Stack results in a personalized variant. See the table below for example variants when some Stack items and components are personalized:

VariantPersonalized elementsCustomer segmentsCountries
PRO-BAKERSPage header, CTApro-bakersNone
PRO-BAKERS_NL-USImage and text blockpro-bakersNL, US
ALL-OTHER-USERSPage header, CTA, Image and text blockNoneNone

How to fetch adaptive content

Fetch adaptive content by a variant, a customer or a customer segment.

Fetch content by variant

A variant is the adaptive content for a combination of customer segments and country segments. Adaptive content can be retrieved by a specific personalized variant by passing segments and countries as arguments in your query. For example, use a UTM tag from an ad campaign as a matching segment, a segment that is from an external CDP/CRM system or get specific content depending on the visitor's location.

See an example query below:

query {
  Page(slug: "home-page") {
    stack(personalize_for_segments: ["pro-bakers"],
          personalize_for_country: "NL") {
      ... on PageHeader {
        _context {
        image {
          url(width: 1600)
      ... on ImageAndText {
        image {
          url(width: 800)

Fetch content by customer

If customers are maintained in Prepr, adaptive content can be retrieved using an API request that includes an HTTP header called Prepr-Customer-Id containing a Customer ID or Customer Reference ID of a target visitor. This allows Prepr to match a web app visitor to a segment in your Prepr environment and generate the right content for this visitor based on personalizations in the Stack field.

Note, the visitor ID in the HTTP header must correspond to the ID used when sending events to Prepr.

If the Prepr-Customer-Id header is not sent or contains no data, the API will return the variants set up on the Stack field and marked for All other users, in other words, that are not matched to any segment.

What's the difference between the Customer ID and the Reference ID?
The Customer ID is the internal Prepr ID for customers. The Reference ID is an ID that the front-end application can send along. Prepr automatically creates a Reference ID if you use the Prepr tracking code to capture events. This Reference ID is available in the front end in a cookie called __prepr_uid.

See an example query below:

If the API request includes an HTTP header Prepr-Customer-Id containing a Customer ID, then you’ll get adaptive content shown on the RESPONSE tab. Otherwise, general content will be returned as the ALL OTHER USERS tab shows.

    Page (slug: "home-page") {
        stack {
            ... on PageHeader {
                image {
  • If a visitor matches two different customer segment lists in Prepr, the first matching customer segment will be used.
  • Prepr will always return only one specific content variant per personalized element in the Stack field.
  • A combination of a customer segment and a country parameter has a higher priority over the segment or country parameters alone.

Fetch content by customer segment

If customers are created and maintained in another CRM or CDP system, you can pass the segments as a comma-separated string using the HTTP Header Prepr-Segments. Include the relevant Prepr Customer Segment ID or ID in your API request.

Sort strings in alphabetical order to guarantee cache-efficient data processing.

See an example query below:

If the API request includes an HTTP header Prepr-Segments containing the segment Id's, then you’ll get adaptive content shown on the RESPONSE tab. Otherwise, general content will be returned as the ALL OTHER USERS tab shows.

  Page (slug: "home-page") {
      stack {
  ... on PageHeader {
    image {

How to pre-fetch adaptive content for static (SSG) websites

Prepr lets you pre-fetch all data for all segments so you can implement personalization for static (SSG) websites.

For that, pass the personalize: false argument in the API request. Use the _context system field to choose the variant that you want to show in your front-end.

See an example query below:

query {
  Page(slug: "home-page") {
      stack(personalize: false) {
        ... on PageHeader {
          _context {
          image {
            url(width: 1600)
        ... on ImageAndText {
          image {
            url(width: 800)

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