Tag Groups

TagGroups are a collection for tags.

Query a collection

If you want to fetch a collection of tags of a givin type you can use the tags collection endpoint.

GET /taggroups
    "items": [
            "id": "163533af-d9e6-41de-b12f-1ec0a677794d",
            "created_on": "2018-02-17T14:31:38+00:00",
            "label": "TagGroup",
            "name": "Example Group",
            "type": "single"
    "total": 1,
    "after": "YWZ0ZXJfMQ==",
    "before": "YmVmb3JlXzA=",
    "skip": 0,
    "limit": 100


The following arguments are available or required when querying a collection:

qStringfalseSearch by name.
sortStringfalsecreated_on, changed_on, name

Query by Id

GET /taggroups/{id}
    "id": "163533af-d9e6-41de-b12f-1ec0a677794d",
    "created_on": "2018-02-17T14:31:38+00:00",
    "changed_on": null,
    "label": "TagGroup",
    "name": "Example Group",
    "visible": "true",
    "visible_in": null,
    "type": "single"
Last updated on

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