Models and Components

Models & Components

Prepr automatically generates the GraphQL API schema for your project based on models you create, including associated components, remote sources, and fields.

Models consist of a number of fields and components and determine the structure of the content in a web app. Each model has its own unique name used for interaction with the API as described in the following table. You can find a model name by navigating to Schema → Model settings.

Prepr UI nameDescription
Singular nameIn pascal-case with only alphanumeric characters. For example, NewsArticle.
Plural nameIn pascal-case with only alphanumeric characters. For example, NewsArticles. The Plural name can not be the same as the singular.

Components are predefined sets of fields that can be used in models or included in the Stack field but cannot be interacted with as an individual entry. Each component has a unique name used for interaction with the API, as the table below shows:

Prepr UI nameDescription
Type nameIn pascal-case with only alphanumeric characters. For example, SEOTags.

Next, check out System fields and Field types.

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