Set up a predefined remote source

This article explains how to use a known 3rd party system as a remote source in Prepr.


Prepr allows you to use any external system as a remote source to reference images, videos, or other content in your content items. You can choose to connect to one of the predefined sources, such as Commerce Layer, Commercetools, and Typeform systems, or add a custom one. To set up a custom remote source, check out this guide for more details.


Additional configuration is required in the chosen external system. Follow the corresponding guidance in Integrations.

To connect to a pre-built remote source, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Schema tab to open the Schema Editor.
  2. On the Schema Editor page, navigate to the Remote content section and click Add source.
  3. In the opened dialog window, choose to connect to the desired source. Prepr supports native integrations with Commerce Layer, Commercetool, and Typeform.

Pre-built remote source

  1. In the next screen, name and describe the source as follows, then click Add.


Display nameA unique name to identify this source in Prepr.
Type nameA name used for accessing this source through the API. The value is generated automatically and matches the Display name you specified.
Project keyThe identifier of your Project. Copy the 'project_key' value from your API Client information.
Client IDYour client credential that is used to obtain an access token. Copy the 'client_id' value from your API Client information.
SecretYour client credential that is used to obtain an access token. Copy the 'secret' value from your API Client information.
ScopeThe scope defines the endpoints to which a client has access and the permissions. Copy the 'scope' value from your API Client information.
API URLThe endpoint URL that is used to make the API calls. Copy the 'API URL' value from your API Client information.
Authorization URLThe authorization URL that is used to obtain an access token. Copy the 'Auth URL' value from your API Client information.
Display localeLocale defines content language. Select a preferred language to use in the API requests to Commercetools.

Commerce Layer

Display nameA unique name to identify this source in Prepr.
Type nameA name used for accessing this source through the API. The value is generated automatically and matches the Display name you specified.
Base URLThe endpoint URL that is used to make the API calls. Copy the value from the Commerce Layer API specification.
Client IDYour client credential that is used to obtain an access token. Copy the 'client_id' value from your Integration API credentials.
SecretYour client credential that is used to obtain an access token. Copy the 'client_secret' value from your Integration API credentials.


When connecting to Typeform, log in to your Typeform account and grant Prepr permissions to retrieve the Typeform data.

Once you've connected to one of the pre-built remote sources, Prepr will automatically create the necessary fields based on that integration (see the example below).

Pre-built source fields

See what's next to complete the setup.

What's next?

Once you've set up the remote source, proceed with the following steps:

  1. Add the remote source to your model using the Remote content field.
  2. Add remote content to your content items.
  3. Retrieve data using the API from your front end.


Prepr will synchronize your remote content automatically to keep it up to date.